Wednesday, May 31, 2006

fuck fuck fuckkked up

yes, that's what i'm feeling now. my fucking pay for May would be gone down the drain. for i, the ever forgetful and blurblock effie actually forgotten all about her 5 damn fucking handsets and i fucking left 'em by the door of cathay building. i fucking hate myself for totally forgetting about 'em. argh. what a fatal thursday. guess this year ain't a good year for me, with so much more things being screwed up.

now, i gotta wait for that damn bill to come and leave me choking for breathe. imagine how you would react when you initially discovered that you've lost 5 handsets. think you might be tensed till you pee? that's exactly how i felt. except that peeing part that is. the bloody incident scared the shite out of me. and to make things worst, my dad made sarcastic remarks like 'wah, there was a santa claus at cathay yesterday ah'. damnit. he made me freaking raged that night.
so what's the point of having a CCTV at the main entrance? the security don't seem very interested in solving my case. doubt they did anything much to help. and ain't they supposed to do patroling frequently? damn the security at cathay, they suck!

thanks to ma peeps for accompanying me to AMK N.P.P to make the freaking report at 2am in the morning. think the officer's quite a fan of motorola phones, knowing which colors i've lost and even using the v3 himself.
liang, you really should consider signing on with the police force( since they slack quite a lot), though the police officer wasn't too encouraging about it.
thanks to the few guys, i was mocked constantly by the police officer. the 'lost 5 handsets a night' joke was on me. arrrrgghh. and not forgetting, i was teased during the whole supper session as well. unfeeling buddies i have there indeed. damn you guys.

and i had my first try at the punggol nasi lemak after we left the police post. recommended, it is good. though kinda fattening for late nights.
sigh. now i gotta just wait for that damn fucking bill to come. hope my in-charge's gonna put in some good words for me and prolly waive off the cost of 1 or 2 handsets, otherwise i think the amount's gonna hit 3k(according to what he told me).

I am so DEAD.

with the GSS going on now, how am i gonna save?! argh. and i thought i would be able to go on a major shopping spree. fuck that idea now. ARGH.

wave goodbye to zara, forever 21, birks and topshop. sob.

that is sucha expensive lesson learnt. BLOODY expensive infact. think i need to get some prayers done or something. never been so cursed in ma whole life.

anyways thanks to char darling for looking me up at work last weekend. hee. and for both days too! that's so nice of you darling. =) remember that postponed swenson's treat you owe me okay. kekeke.
and not forgetting erin and ben who came on sunday too. trying to perk me up knowing that i was feeling fucking down over the whole horrible incident. thanks for the yummy ice-cream and yakitori treat ben jie(i know it's fucking ghey and mushy but anyways)! =)

Rant.Rant.Rant. |4:25 AM|

where we made the report for loss.

supper: yummy punggol nasi lemak

peeks from waaay 2 weeks before da vinci screening.....

serious and cranky

rod, bud and effie

i promised to post this up. ad for mr roderick tan. any takers?

polka-dotty-stripey kicks. moi all time fav.

this quaint lil church facing the cathay building

da disciple and her shifu

cy and effie

you seldom get the chance to take normal shots like this wit him.

Rant.Rant.Rant. |3:22 AM|

+ + + + + + + +

Friday, May 26, 2006

the swim i went for on tuesday's really giving me aches here and there. especially moi legs. arghh. think my stamina's really getting from bad to worst. 1 lap is enough to leave me panting for breathes. omg. effie effie you're so weak! =(

another 2 more weeks and me buddies are going to their respective camps. sigh. no more late night suppers, no more long aimless trips to nowhere, no more crazeee mad antics, no more silly lame jokes, no more laughters, no more merry making. =( we really gotta treasure this 2 weeks left of us, buddies! we still have yet to get sun-kissed, go cycling, shop, go for mouth-watering food hunts, savour that yummylicious thomson ice-cream that i've been talkin non-stop about, club more, swim more, and just spend more time together. wonder what i'm gonna do when you guys are all in...

Coldplay's coming. handsup those who're going!! and i just remembered to post this RHCP's Dani California mtv. i absolutely love it. kinda funny and entertaining. anyways RHCP has never failed us. this vid depicts the bands from the 70s to 90s. are you able to identify which bands are they? have fun figuring. haha.

Rant.Rant.Rant. |5:39 PM|

+ + + + + + + +

Thursday, May 25, 2006

just spent the past 2 hours chilling at the couch reading 'The Worst Thing A Suburban Girl Could Imagine'. I felt great just lazing to the tunes of class95, munching on 'super ring' and sipping ice water on the couch. they play really good melodic love songs in the night. i've never been more radio-friendly. haha. too bad, the book wasn't as good as i thought it to be.

but i thought this poem sounded pretty kewl. ripped this off the book:

So tired.
If late,
Get fired.
Why bother?
Why the pain?
Just go home.
Do it again.
Inhabit is having it's sale tomorrow. a visit to Inhabit just now made me fall for this True Religion jeans. omg. talking about hefty prices - SGD$359 for the one i heart. =(
prolly i'll get 'em if they're like 40% since they're offering 40%-70%.
argh. now if only someone stop me and tell me to spend that long awaited pay cheque wisely. i've got my eyes on this lacoste belt and agnes b. bag tooo. omg. i'm so gonna be dry soon. spent so much yesterday on pepper lunch and alchohol at this pub..thank god i'm getting moi pay soooooon.=)
i caught da vinci code on the opening night and it really ain't good. sigh. so much for all da hype about the show, paris and london. totally disappointing. not exciting at all! i guess you hafta read the book before catching the film otherwise u'll be quite lost- or prolly i'm too blur to understand the theories. haha. but, you can still catch it for some audrey tautou. i still prefer her in Amelie. well, nothing beats that film.
i think my bio clock is really screwed up...i better head to bed now and try(real hard) to wake early tomorrow...

Rant.Rant.Rant. |3:11 AM|

+ + + + + + + +

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The HK trip reunion party @ Phuture.....
feat. stan and

gwen is back in s'pore so we had a gathering at Zouk. becca, bern, gwen and me. be ready for the truckloads of peeks below..... i'll prolly post more peeks tomorrow or something. dead tired long peeps....
btw, the captions beside every peek is actually depicting the next peekture aite. blogspot is getting cranky these days...sorry for the trouble yeah.

effie and rebecca

becca, bern, effie and gwen.

pucker up ladees!

bern and gwen

held by the alchie. keke.

irritating the crowd by trigerring truckloads of shots.

double chins!eeek!

most preferred nail color. keke.

shot of da day

we the messed-up hair ones.

white-washed. who's who?

rebecca seems shocked to see those fingers.

smileys despite of the irritating crowd- except

they were hopping to the beats wit all their might.

making merry.....

indulging in some vodka crystal

our mrs j. tan caught in a moment

kiss and tell

our cutesy miss rebecca

gwen, feeling high?

the trio.

effie and stan

stan was so facinated by her

Rant.Rant.Rant. |3:18 AM|

+ + + + + + + +

Sunday, May 14, 2006


yeah that's how i'm feeling now. was at mos yesterday but it wasn't as fun as wed though more people went. this time round, erin, eric and WS came along. hadn't seen WS for sucha long time and he hasn't changed a single bit, still as cheeky and smiley as ever. the nirvana freak. i was half- expecting him to turn up wit nirvana's hairdo. hahaha.

weeks seem to pass faster now, but damnit i'm still waiting for my pathetic paycheque. grrr. can't wait to go for the long-anticipated shopping spree!

anyways i finally paid a visit to MOS on wednesday- yes i know where've i been right?
thanks to V for drinks were on him. at least for me, since it was ladies' night. keke. we were supposed to be at zouk but the darn queue at phuture was moving at snail speed and finally the bouncer claimed that it was full house. lucky erin went in earlier with her gfs, so that leaves the rest of us having to move on to MOS. bumped into HS, valerie, jane, kai, GL, WQ, lenon and kenzo. i guess that's where the party really's at huh. the whole world seemed to be there that night. the place's pretty nice and really big so i guess it beats zouk in terms of space and we didn't have to queue which was really great.

they were playing mainstream rnb hits at smoove which really kept the crowd going unlike phuture which i find pretty underground and a lil too mashed up on wednesdays. we visited mos again yesterday, unfortunately, it wasn't as fun yesterday. uber sigh. everyone seemed to be having lil problems deep within which kinda restricted the party animal in em. the crowd was a turn off as well, it was freaking packed at smoove which landed us up in the retro room. it was fun there, capering and fooling around. i love the retro room wit the candy-poppy colors. looks yummy to the eye.

hmmm nevermind, we'll have more fun next time yeah, peeps? which we hafta soon before you guys end up in national slavery. sigh. no more late night suppers or indulging in crazy/silly antics anymore soon.

oh yeah, i bumped into kiat, gua and gang at MOS on yesterday. haven't seen em for sucha long long time!! and thanks kiat for reminding me that i might not be able to go for this saturday's poptart session. ARGH! =( i need to go! this delay has gone on for far too long!

my throats kinda feeling drained today, i wonder why? dehydrated? hmmm. but im glad i clubbed- my form of exercise. heee. you'll hear that from lazy people.

all the best in everything you
do alrighty!
keep that always- bright smile going! =)
hope yesterday night didn't turn out so bad for you alright? sorry the mood was kinda low for all....

PEOPLE, POPTART NEXT SATURDAY! going for some mad capering on the dance floor? did i just hear a loud YES? yeah i know kiat, you're going. argh.

i finally found the time to upload the truckloads of peeks today. including wednesday's mos outing wit da dudes, dad's birthday dinner and some random supper outings.

Rant.Rant.Rant. |7:48 PM|

looking smashed.

at smooove

the sisters. lol.

liang and bud wriggling their asses.

CY, effie and bud


and after
army boy soon to be, papa dinosaur and mr policeman.
making a din at the back of the car.
nonsensical tag-team

guth: 'hello mr liang, please do not grind in the car, this ain't a club ya know.'

all pigging out

the lil peeping tom searching for food.

the disgusting looking choc fondue of mine.

ma lovelies

the waiters there were busy chasing the lil cats away.


our waiter

everyone has their first time,

sleeping at the airport

eating cakes wit chopstick and spoon,
and drinking out frm millions of straws.

the retard master

yan yan tastes good with those cute messages. that message is totally me!

haven't seen her for eons!
tummy's grumbling for some kaya toast yet?

the small ones always love to hide behind me. grrr.

yep, we were there to see her works.

dua satay?

visitor in da house

guess whose stare?

phunked by phunk studio yet?

devil wit thorns

kim, ser and effie

the silly cute couple

the roof looks kewl to chill in. if only our campus' like that.

for the kicks lover in you.

the message on the headboard goes together with the song.

cosy lil red cube

this kinda gives me a sweet and dreamy feeling both at once.

Rant.Rant.Rant. |7:47 PM|

+ + + + + + + +

Crazee Wants Needs.
birks madrid
unlimited trips to hk
mini cooper
time machine?
license to drive
travel to london, japan and the big apple!


sweet choco
retail therapy
chill-out muzik/sessions
vintage. retro. oldskool
stripes. polka dots
all things beyewtifull
munchie-junkie rampages

a piece of me.

name: ethel tan
pet name: effiedots birthday : 26 dec 1985( pls remember my pressie.) thank you.
msn :
location : north/ central

Old Fagged Photos

February 2005

March 2005

April 2005

May 2005

June 2005

July 2005

August 2005

September 2005

October 2005

November 2005

December 2005

January 2006

February 2006

March 2006

April 2006

May 2006

June 2006

July 2006

August 2006

September 2006

October 2006

December 2006

January 2007

February 2007

March 2007

April 2007

May 2007

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April 2008

May 2008

June 2008

July 2008

August 2008

September 2008

October 2008

November 2008

December 2008
