oh gawd, i just received a letter from NTU requesting me to go down for the faculty test! omg. omg. thinking about it now is already giving me the creeps. i haven't been drawing for years, shux. damn, i'm worrying now already. =( what's worst, it's gonna be on a Saturday morning! argh.
silly effie just discovered something 'new' about her cammy. it can actually do photo stitching! omg. i'm sucha blurist at times(please do not correct me, i rather leave it as that). haha.
ta-dah! a small part of my 'collage'. keke.
oh well, i'm supposed to be mugging now but as usual, procrastinate. SMM paper was alright, thank god! unlike the blardy LAM paper which was a seriously bad one. thanks to the LAM projects 1 and 2 in which we got A! yey! now my grades will be pulled up. phew!
i soooo hate IB but gotta study today since i'll only have one day to revise after BB's paper on tuesday. =( i totally hate IB. sigh. everyone seems to be out today, only poor me stucked at home! grrr.
hung out wit shihui, sara and james for a lil while after the paper yesterday. can you believe it, the photocopy shop in skool wasn't open, so we gotta head to clementi to zap it instead.
sorry buds i couldn't meet up wit u guys yesterday for the show. wanted to go,but yet can't. sick of having my eyes glued on the notes for the past few days. i needa get my ass outta here!!!
and now i am still very excited for 16th march, poptart! and of cos on the 23rd March, the MTV Fashionably Loud event held with the Singapore Fashion Festival where Placebo is gonna be rocking, all decked out in Dior Homme! but i seriously doubt that i'll catch a glimpse of 'em. sigh.
now i'm just gonna wait for dinner to be back and then tv session before revising. okay, that's what i hope, not online bitching again.tee hee hee.
my bedtimes and meal times are screwed up once again. the first day of CNY outside Home.
by the exams. well, not really but maybe later after this post? seems like everyone's mugging only me. argh. the usual symptom is recurring. i'm trying to tell myself, it's the last lap!maybe i'll never get a chance to mug hard again. hmmm.
my class is really a sweet one. from making cards to notes with chocs and laminated card-sized photo for us, even collin, being a guy, took the effort to do it! thanks people! i'm really gonna miss my class and skool. =(
it's been sucha long time since i ditched my bummer habit. and now i am bitching with lala and jamesy. hahaha. it has become an entertainment man. i really need to study after this. hahaha.
caught Casanova with char, sara and james yesterday. it's the best film i've watched this month. heath ledger is sucha great liar and casanova(of cos). this film surprisingly carries a pinch of humor. not bad, compared to fun wit dick and jane- total disappointment- and pink panther- which i was forced into. lol. and after the show, we took some crazee pictures, making a fool of ourselves at the centre of the road. haha. char, pics pics pics!
we were talking about popeye's when i said poptart instead. seems like i really missed poptart eh?haha. and they're on at esplanade on 16th march! yey!!hee. can't wait!
i miss popeye's too and we made it a promise to have it right after the exams! yey!! thinking about it now just makes me drool. =(
anyways i wanna thank bern for helping me today. if not for her, i guess i would have just settled for business and not art, design and media. so thanks babe! =) it was crazy to rush for that vid, essay and portfolio only in the mid-noon. haha. i thought i wouldn't be able to make it. the skool was freaking far to make things worst! and the crowd after work...phoaw, i tell you, damn jam packed! took me around one hour plus to get home! looks like i don't have a choice eh? that is, if i can get in. which i would be too happy to complain by then.
well, now, i just gotta sit and pray to get in NTU.
and............mug hard just about NOW.
well,nothing much happened these few days except for meeting datelines of reports, the BPC presentation, just done with my final report and missing my franz ferdinand for BB presentation's preparation.
i totally REGRETTED it!
to make things worst, bel surprisingly managed to get a shot wit ff and their autograph 'cos their flied by CX. that ain't bad. the worst thing was, apparently she couldn't find anyone who knows 'em to give the autograph to. wtf?! she says noone knows ff! grrr. if only she asked me earlier. in the end, she gave it to a security guard who has only heard of ff before. sigh. =(
met up wit kai, andrew, davis, his gf and jackie on friday night. haven't seen 'em for a long time. didn't do much, just hung out at far east and then walk around town and finally settled at starbucks. kai, hope you're feeling much better now aite. this might sound cliche but, don't worry, be happy with what you feel is best.
BPC was fun! everyone loved our skit! wheeeee! damn happy and exciting. our dearest affable mazzie was the highlight of the presentation as mr singahram singh. haha.
oh yeah and of 'cos catching up(actually,bitching.lol) with sara, char and the others during break-time(self-proclaimed) was good.
can't believe i'm graduating so soon! time really does fly extremely quickly. we'll be having fun after the exams soon before we know it. not forgetting to mention, the 1st paper is on this friday.
i really have to start mugging. but doubt anytime soon. as usual. shux. streeessssseeeddd.
now this uncomfortable bad feeling is in me. i really think i'll miss poly, surprisingly. argh.
i'll miss you darlings! we really have to meet up after we grad, okay!don't just say! we really hafta do it soon, alright! hugs. =)
thanks to bud, popped by his place to print my time-wasting final report and of 'cos, mahjong before the torturing period starts! wasn't as fun as the week before though, with everyone tired and tensed up. thanks to alan who picked me up and send me home after. alan reminds me of my aunts, everytime he sees me he'll ask whether i'm attached, why i'm not, blah blah blah. grrr. what's wrong wit being single? he made me sound like some lesbo. like, wth.
anyways, i did some catching up wit erin after not seeing her for around... say, 6 months? we really need to go out soon babe!
i'm glad that everyone's still doing fine. haven't seen them for eons! too bad liang couldn't join us. otherwise, it would have been more fun.
okay, time to visit lala land. gotta be in skool at 1pm tomorrow to hand in the final report and have lunch with my mates. hee. goodnight!
or rather, morning. gee.
the monkey faces.
i <3 polka dots
you seldom see guys posing for pictures like these,okay.
i <3 polka dots
his pose looks...familiar.....
i <3 polka dots
having a problem wit chubby cheeks guth?LOL.don't kill me for this.
i <3 polka dots
rong: rock on! guth: yawn.
i <3 polka dots
mid-life crisis
i <3 polka dots
natural shot captured.
i <3 polka dots
he still continued posing while guth was dozing offf.....
i <3 polka dots
stressed up at the table.
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i got no idea why kai doesn't face the cam yet wants to get shot?!
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flabby arms?fret not!
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candid shot by davis
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Singapore Idol wannabe.lol
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my group members for this sem
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tofu men were too bored
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now, i was bored.
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char and mr yow-the one with the twitching mouth.ahaha
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our informal attires.
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the last presentation
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use of sex toys?how many percent maz?
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awwwhhh..the sweet goodbye note from sweetie ziying=)
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our very own Supersnob Champion!
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introducing to you the ever suave, mr singharam singh!
i <3>
omg,he's quite flirtish ain't he?
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the champion and runner-up fighting for the wand.LOL
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one of the last few groupies with TB 14
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mr singh: eh they got free tissue box! mdm minah: got meh?where?why i don't have?!
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Miss Monica Chng
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effie and mazzie
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the excited guys-crazee convent gurls
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it was great serving mdm minah.
i <3>
the adorable JJ sisters.
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TB 14: woo wheeeet!!!!!
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effie: here's your umbrella! mr singh: i want no umbrella! i got lots of 'em already!
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mr macho singh!haha
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our very own lovely presenters.
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mr singh caught in the act
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everyone wants to have a shot with mr popular.haha
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me and my darlings
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the convent babe and effie
i <3 polka dots
i'm beginning to hear the tune ringing in my ear ' mai tang yuan,mai tang yuan,xiang chun...'
i <3 polka dots
even her hand wants to 'lou hey'.
i <3 polka dots
guess who's the very happy birthday gurl?
i <3 polka dots
Old Fagged Photos